Grow Your Garden
The goal of the gardening app is to provide users with a starting point in designing their garden. Through this app, users have the opportunity to see how their garden will look like with the plants they choose. They have a variety of options available to them, and the plants are categorized into flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruits. The app then allows users flexibility in their garden so they can create the best garden possible.
Sketching & Ideation
The goal of the gardening app is to provide users with a starting point in designing for their garden. Through this app, users have the opportunity to see how their garden will look like with the plants they choose. They have a variety of options available to them, and the plants are categorized into flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Creative Strategy

The goal of the gardening app is to provide users with a starting point in designing for their garden. Through this app, users have the opportunity to see how their garden will look like with the plants they choose. They have a variety of options available to them, and the plants are categorized into flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruits.
Final Look

Video Demonstration
Sumeet Dhami
UX Designer
My Roles:
Sole User Research & Design
3 Weeks
Adobe XD
Project Overview:
Nightwood Theatre, a feminist non-for-profit organization, reached out to our BDES class to redesign their current website.
Their current site was last updated in 2007 and through our meeting with the client, it was quite evident that they wanted to see some changes. Whether those changes were through the display of the information, putting more emphasis on the production and history of Nightwood, or making the website easy to use, the Theatre wanted a new look.
We all individually began to brainstorm and ideate how we might improve the user flow of their site while still keeping all of their information intact.
Be able to display a variety of information in a more condensed and readable format
Improve the information architecture of the site
Find a new colour scheme that is both vibrant and calming to look at
Think of a new way Nightwood can effectively show their production and history
Create a new user flow for users to purchase tickets and season passes
User Goals:
Have the ability to purchase show tickets and season passes online.
Learn about Nightwood in a more interactive and easy-to-digest way.
Be able to be a part of the team and apply for furture opportunities at Nightwood.
Organization Opportunities:
Nightwood Theatre wants this redesigned website to allow theatre goers to be able to purchase tickets directly online, view and apply for applications to work at Nightwood or be in plays, to learn about Nightwood’s history and impact, and to view showtimes for the plays. This redesign can bring in more customers for Nightwood and be more efficient for both the customers and the team at Nightwood to use.
I started of my design process with taking a good look at the current website and taking in all the information and different layouts of the pages.

Nightwood Theatre Current Site
SWOT Analysis

User Persons

Information Architecture

We did a card sorting activity in class in which we invited participants to organize and categorize different labels that made most sense to them.

Task Flow
This task flow shows how users will be able to purchase tickets or season passes.

Design Process
Paper Prototyping
Here I am sketching out the layout I am thinking of using,

High Fidelity Wireframes

Usability Testing
I conducted usability testing with three participants using my high fidelity wireframes. Participants were instructed to walk through the prototype and think out loud. They were tasked to learn about Nightwood and their history.
What worked well:
Information was easy to read and in a condensed format so the website was easy to navigate.
Participants liked how information was categorized and in sections rather than the long paragraph style of the original website.
Participants liked the idea of the timeline because it was a more effective way to capture Nightwood’s history.
What didn’t work:
Some participants found that there was too much scrolling to see the past productions in the “Productions” page.
The “Season’s Passes” page was a bit confusing and participants would have preferred if the different season’s passes available to purchase were displayed separately.
Style Guide & Moodborad

This new style guide is much more muted and calm to look at compared to the original. These colours colours also complaint the photos well as they aren’t too bright and the photos stand out.
FInal Work

I focused on the screens that would positively impact the users’ experience with the website by showcasing relevant information about the plays, limiting clutter, and improving the navigation.
This was my first time working with a client on a project so I learned how to put emphasis on what the client wants and how to tailor those wants to their users’ needs
How to focus on the key details because that is what makes the website appear professional
How to present my design to the client in a way that is both engaging and showcases the changes I made